As the month of October comes to a close and the autumn weather gets colder, we would like to share with you ten tips to prepare your
garden and yard for the colder weather.
- Be sure to remove any old plants or other shrubbery that may have fallen onto the soil/grass
- Do a final weeding before the cold weather hits.
- Mulch the garden bed with straw, grass clippings or chopped leaves. These mulches will turn to soil and fertilize the ground in time for next spring’s crops.
- Collect and store any flower bulbs.
- Mow your lawn one last time!
- Collect the leaves that have fallen to shred and compost.
- Cut back tender roses to ten to twelve inches, and remove any foliage so that insects cannot take over during the winter.
- Cover any tender, hybrid roses with leaves or straw to protect them against the winter temperature changes.
- Bring in any pots that cannot handle the freezing weather.
- Clean and oil any garden tools before storing for the winter.
If you have any other tips, please share them in the comments below!
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