August is coming to an end, and with it marks the end of summer. The kids are going back to school, teachers are setting up their classrooms and the summer heat will be turning into the lovely cool weather of autumn.
With Summer’s end just around the corner, it is important that you prepare for the change of weather and prepare your garden and landscaping so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor (pun not intended) for as long as possible.
Save Seeds
Saving the seeds from your annuals is always a great idea. Most annual seeds can be gathered, placed in paper envelopes, labeled and stored in a cool, dry, dark place until they are needed in the spring. All annual ornamental grasses are perfect for seed saving (YOU CAN SEE OUR ARTICLE ON HOW TO USE ORNAMENTAL GRASSES HERE).
The end of summer is the time to watch for ripening seedpods so they can be dried for winter bouquets. The flowers sense the approaching cool weather and often burst with the last round of bloom. The colors will seem brighter against the sharp blue skies and crisp air.
The Flowers of Fall
The days will grow shorter and you will find yourself amazed at the strength of some of your annuals. The leaves of some straw flowers may shrivel with the mounting cold, but their bright orange, red, yellow or white petals will resist the frost and will continue to glow in the morning sun. The Fall also brings out the magnificent colours of cabbage, kale and other plants that need the nip of frost not only to grow but to make their leaves shimmer in the light. Lastly, there are the pansies. These will bloom all winter long where the winters are mild.
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