August’s Chores & Tips

august chores tips

Back Yard


  • Water your plants more as the weather gets warmer and the sun gets hotter. Pay attention to how much water they need in a day/week.
  • Place mulch around plats that are sensitive to the hot sun. This will help keep the roots of the plants cool.
  • Break or cut of dead pieces of plants. This will help more of the plant to grow.
  • If you have planted a new tree, then be sure to have it supported by a stake. You wouldn’t want high winds to blow it over.
  • Do not prune heat sensitive plants in the summer. This may kill your plant.
  • Try to avoid watering too much, you want to grow beautiful plants, you don’t want to rot the roots


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  • Use golf tees to mark where you have plants like perennials and bulbs that don’t grow or grow slowly in the summer.
  • Plants that are grown in containers can only absorb so much water at a time. So be sure to watch plants that are in sunny areas and water them more, if required.
  • Hanging flower baskets need water daily. The sun and wind absorbs the water much more quickly than other plants.
  • Clean up flower petals and leaves. They can become infected with disease and bugs if they are left.
  • Take out old plants that are dead and have stopped growing. Keep such things gives a home to insects and bugs that are not wanted.
  • Water your garden before the hot sun comes out and dries up the already dry ground.
  • Pick up fruit that has fallen off of the tree of plant. This will prevent bugs and rodents.
  • Pull weeds before they make seeds. The longer you leave the weeds the more weeds you will have to deal with next spring.

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