- Now is the time to plant peonies. Be sure to bury the crowns one and a half to two inches below the ground level. Planting them too deep can prevent them from blooming.
- Before the first frost happens, dig up caladiums. Allow them to dry and store in a dry place for the winter.
- Allow your plants to finish the summer growth cycle in a normal manner. Never rush the growth by over fertilizing or excessive pruning.
- Fall is a good time for improving your garden soil. Add manure, compost and leaves to increase the organic matter.
- Warm season grass will begin to turn brown once the soil temperatures fall below 60 degrees Fahrenheit, but you can enjoy a green lawn during the winter months by overseeding with perennial ryegrass seed.
- Make sure you grow your lawn longer for two weeks prior to overseeding.
- It is important to remember not to fertilize for 4-6 weeks after overseeding.
- Select accent plants for your landscape that will provide autumn colours such as trees or shrubs.
- Water newly planted trees and shrubs and add a three inch layer of organic mulch around the base to retain soil moisture and help manage temperature.
- Be sure to rake up leaves, twigs and fruit from crabapple trees and dispose of them in the trash to help control apple scab disease.
- Do not wait for frost warnings to move your plants indoors. Temperatures lower than 45 degrees Fahrenheit can damage many plants.
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