Three Reasons to Do Your Fall Landscaping NOW!


Here’s three reasons why you should get your Fall Landscaping done now!


  1.  The Weather

The fall weather is only around for so long before winter strikes and the ground freezes up. Get it done now! Fall is the optimum time to plant trees, shrubs and perennials because they are just heading into dormancy and will happily establish themselves next spring when the weather warms up.

  1.  The Budget

Sticking to a budget can be challenging, but there’s no need to make it any more difficult. Get it done now, while your landscaping dreams still match your budget! Having the heavy work done this fall will help save money on your landscaping project in the spring!

  1.  The Wait

There’s so many reasons why you could procrastinate, but getting it done now will not be something you regret. Get it done now, before the spring line ups for landscaping companies begin. Now is the perfect time to get your fall landscaping project underway.

October Chores and Tips


Disease Prevention:

  • To prevent the spread of diseases in your landscape, dispose of infected plants immediately before the disease has a chance to spread.
  • Pick up rotting fruit or dead leaves, which can be a source of the disease.
  • When in doubt, throw them out. Do not compost diseased materials.
  • Don’t forget to disinfect your tools to prevent diseases from spreading.


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  • A late summer application of nitrogen fertilizer helps fruit sizing more in the fall than in the spring.
  • Cut off spent blooms to stimulate re-bloom.
  • Water less often as plant needs decrease with the shortening and cooling days.
  • Be sure to dig, divide and replant overcrowded perennials that have finished flowering.
  • Feed new flower and vegetable plants with liquid fertilizer two weeks after planting them.
  • After several hard frosts add mulch to your perennial flower garden. A one inch layer of straw or chopped leaves will help conserve soil moisture and protect the root system.

Back Yard

  • Plant winter hardy trees, shrubs and vines.
  • Feed cool season lawns to support their growth in the fall season.
  • Continue to pick up fallen, decomposing fruit that could harbor insects and pests.
  • Don’t allow leaves to accumulate on the lawn. Rake them up regularly, and store in a pile for use as mulch in your garden next summer. By allowing leaves to accumulate on your lawn, they can become matted down by the rain and can kill the grass.
  • Autumn is a good time for improving your garden soil. Add manure, compost, and leaves to increase the organic matter content. Before adding lime to your soil, have your soil tested to determine if your soil is acidic and needs lime.
  • Mulches applied too early can do more harm than good. A mulch is used to keep soil temperatures constant and prevent frost heaving, not keep it warm. Therefore, it is best not to mulch until the soil temperature has reached the freezing point.
  • When deciding on new trees or shrubs to plant around your home, remember to select varieties that will fit the location when they are at their mature height. This will greatly reduce pruning and other maintenance in the future.

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  • Garden tools are expensive! Take care of your tools and bring them inside so they don’t need to be replaced. Clean them off and with proper care, quality tools can last you a lifetime!

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  • Make a note of any particularly productive or unsatisfactory varieties of vegetables that you planted this year.
  • Fall is an excellent time for taking soil samples in your lawn and garden. Soil tests will measure the pH of the soil, organic matter content and the levels of some of the major elements required for plant growth, such as phosphorus and potassium.

2017 Garden Trends


Not sure if you heard the buzz, but the Garden Media Group published their 2017 Garden Trends Report and we’re so excited! The theme is Grow 365. They say that in the coming years, people will grow indoors and out – Anything, anywhere!


Here’s a sneak peak of what they had to say:


  1. Peak Season – With new technology, growing 365 days is now possible, affordable and convenient.
  2. Wellness Hotspots – Things like garden therapy, forest bathing, to soundscaping and workplace culture are very popular! Healthy is the new wealthy!
  3. Tidy Gardens – Simplicity is best! Find joy in less by keeping what you love and discard the rest!
  4. Clean Gardening – Consumers are demanding clean products and clean food, so they’re turning more and more to growing without the use of synthetic chemicals and even growing indoors without dirt!
  5. Uber-izing Gardening – With everything just at our fingertips, it only makes sense that buying plants would be just as easy! Gardening Subscriptions where plants will be delivered right to your door are growing drastically in popularity.
  6. Buzz Off! – Using nature to help keep your yard insect free is economical, educational, fun and it doesn’t harm the environment!
  7. Golden Age – Gold is the “metal of the moment.” Metallic materials and textures have been trending in home décor for years, but in 2017 we will see them melting into the outdoors as well!
  8. Gardening Love – The goal is to cultivate a passion and appreciation for plants and in doing so, increase the demand for gardening and everyone!


Download the full report here.

Your Landscaping Can Help Sell Your Home!


Putting your home on the market can be a stressful situation. There are so many factors that can influence the selling process. How long will it take? Will you get your desired price? Is there anything that might help you sell your home?

While getting the answers to these questions can be difficult, there is definitely something you can do to help sell your home. The landscape of a home is something most homeowners forget to focus on when putting their home on the market. While cleaning and doing renovations in the inside might be critical, it’s the lawn that will give the first impression to a potential buyer.


So if you’re house is on the market, a call to a landscaping company might need to be your first call. Here’s why…


  1. Curb Appeal

Potential home buyers love to drive around and find homes on the market. A sure way to make sure they don’t pass your home without giving it a second thought is to have a well-designed and maintained landscape. This is one of those times where the saying “you can’t judge a book by its cover” is actually untrue. When it comes to buying a home, you can’t help but make a judgement from what you see from the outside. If someone does not take care of their lawn, it is easy to conclude that they do not take care of the inside either.

  1. Needed Proof

Buying a home is one of the biggest purchases you will make in your life. It is crucial that you are making a smart purchase. This means ensuring that the previous home owners have been taking care of the upkeep of the home.  Seeing a home with a neglected home can only cause someone to believe this to be consistent throughout the entire home, even if that might not be the case.

  1. The Digital Effect

With all the online resources available on the internet, homeowners have access to thousands of their potential homes. It is easy to find homes that meet their criteria and skip those that don’t. When listing your home for sale online, an adequate amount of pictures is usually required. It would be in your best interest to include pictures of the outside of your home and the landscape as potential buyers want to see every part of the home. If they don’t like what they see from the outside, they could scroll right past your home and go on to the next. A well maintained landscape might be what causes them to look into your home further!

What can you compost?


One of the best things you can do for your garden and your yard is composting. There are tons of minerals and nutrients that are beneficial to your soil that can help your crops grow large and healthy. When composting is done right, it is one of the best things you can do for your soil!


Obviously, you cannot compost everything. For example, you shouldn’t compost meat, fish, or bone as they decay slowly and will attract animals to your compost… including rats. Another big no – no is composting diseased plants, as it can lead to your compost spreading the disease to the rest of the plants in your garden. Also, you should never compost pet feces as they may contain parasites that are harmful to humans.


So, what can you compost?


Typically, composting is separated into two different types of composts: green and brown.

  • Green compost is anything related to fruit and vegetable scraps, egg shells, tea bags, fresh grass clippings and plate scraps that are not related to meat or bones.
  • Brown compost consist of dry leaves, wood shavings, nuts and shells, coffee and coffee filters.


As well, you can compost shredded newspaper (but not paper with regular printing on it). Hay and peanut shells can also be composted. You can compost plates, cups, utensils or partyware as long as it is the compostable variety. You can even compost your own hair clippings as it will put a huge amount of nitrogen into the soil (be careful not to put too much in as it can cause a spike in nitrogen that can be harmful to the compost).

Maximize Your Outdoor Entertaining Potential


With the summer months coming to a close, we want to help you take advantage of the great weather while it lasts. There are tons of ways to make your backyard the perfect place to entertain, so here are three to get you started!


Decks & Pergolas

Warm weather and Barbecuing go hand in hand. What better place to entertain than under a pergola with some lounge chairs? There are tons of different ideas and designs that will blend in seamlessly with your existing architecture. Here’s a collection of our favourites.


Outdoor Kitchens

These are no longer things you just see in the magazines. Gone are the times where that one person was stuck inside doing all the cooking! Outdoor Kitchens are bringing outdoor entertaining to a whole new level! Here’s a collection of our favourites.



Architecture and throw pillows are not the only way you can make an outdoor space one which invites visitors and admires alike. Try planting things such as lavender or thyme to give them air a homey feel to your backyard!

September’s Chores and Tips


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  • Now is the time to plant peonies. Be sure to bury the crowns one and a half to two inches below the ground level. Planting them too deep can prevent them from blooming.
  • Before the first frost happens, dig up caladiums. Allow them to dry and store in a dry place for the winter.
  • Allow your plants to finish the summer growth cycle in a normal manner. Never rush the growth by over fertilizing or excessive pruning.
  • Fall is a good time for improving your garden soil. Add manure, compost and leaves to increase the organic matter.


Back Yard

  • Warm season grass will begin to turn brown once the soil temperatures fall below 60 degrees Fahrenheit, but you can enjoy a green lawn during the winter months by overseeding with perennial ryegrass seed.
  • Make sure you grow your lawn longer for two weeks prior to overseeding.
  • It is important to remember not to fertilize for 4-6 weeks after overseeding.
  • Select accent plants for your landscape that will provide autumn colours such as trees or shrubs.
  • Water newly planted trees and shrubs and add a three inch layer of organic mulch around the base to retain soil moisture and help manage temperature.


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  • Be sure to rake up leaves, twigs and fruit from crabapple trees and dispose of them in the trash to help control apple scab disease.
  • Do not wait for frost warnings to move your plants indoors. Temperatures lower than 45 degrees Fahrenheit can damage many plants.

What are the Proper Steps for Fertilizing my Lawn?


Depending on the size of the space you are fertilizing, there are three separate methods for doing it; rotary spreaders, drop spreaders and handheld spreaders.


Watering and Fertilizing for a Lush Green Lawn

If you want a beautiful lush green lawn, then you need to learn how to properly mow and fertilize your lawn. We’ve put some tips together to help you out. Water is a very important thing for all of life. Not just plants. But properly watering your lawn will help it to grow beautifully. To have a lush green lawn it is vital that your lawn gets about an inch of water each week. If it rains a lot in one week, then you’re off the hook for watering. But if it doesn’t rain, then you have some work to do.


It is a good idea to be familiar with your landscape. Landscapes that have softer soil will need more water to keep grass healthy. Whereas, landscapes with thicker soil, like clay for example need less water.


The best times to water your lawn would be the earlier hours of the day, before the sun bakes up what you just watered. Avoid watering the grass in the hotter hours of the day. It would be almost pointless to water when the sun is beaming hot. The sun would just evaporate majority of the water. Watering in the morning causes less evaporation.


Shaded areas of the lawn may not need as much watering as areas that have direct sunlight.


How much water does your lawn need you ask? Well, it needs to be about six inches deep. Healthy grass roots are about six inches deep. So you’ll want the water to reach all of the roots. The first time you water your grass, you should check it every 15 minutes to know how much watering you will need to keep your lawn healthy.


It is best to check the forecast before you water your lawn. You’ll want to try to do it on the coolest days of the week. The cooler the air, the better the water will soak into the soil. The earlier you water the lawn in the day the better. You don’t want excess water on your lawn over night. It’ll grow fungus that is not wanted.


You don’t want to over water the lawn. This is almost as bad as not watering the grass enough. Too much water will make the roots smaller and again, you risk growing fungus in your lawn. Soils that are more clay based will need to be watered once a week. Softer soils should be watered about three times a week.


Fertilizing your lawn can help it to grow better than ever. There are many positive effects of fertilizing if you do it correctly.


There are different types of grass and they all have different fertilizing needs. You’ll want to add fertilizer so that is roughly within the same time as the peak growing time for grass. There are some types of grass that will need it in the warm season or cold season. If you grass is warm season grass then it is best to fertilize in last spring or earliest of summer. If your grass is cold season the fertilizing is best in the fall once a year.


Shaded areas of the lawn may need to be fertilized more often. Make sure to trim larger trees so that the sun can reach as much grass as possible.

Best Shade Plants for Your Lawn!

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When landscaping your yard you may want to choose plants that may create some shaded space for relaxation. Shaded space will help protect your lawn from the hot sun.

They will also help to attract bees and butterflies and other insects. And aren’t those things a wonderful sight to see? We’ve put together a list of plants that will help keep your space shaded.



Hosta: A lot of people like this plant because of its colours. It is beautifully coloured with blues and greens and whites.

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Hellebore:   For people who love to have plants in their yard, this is the plant you want to choose. It grows from the winter months and flowers until the spring months.

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Bleeding Hearts: This type of plant is very popular. People love the heart shaped flower that it produces ad love that it is low maintenance.


Japanese Painted Fern: This plant is a little bit more work. It is a high maintenance plant; especially in the summer months. The soil must stay moist. With the hot sun, that can get to be a bit of work.


Ajuga: Ajuga is type of plant that grows very quickly. You will need to plant them one foot apart from each other, because they do spread.

There are tons of ways to make your lawn more beautiful. But these are just a few of many.

August’s Chores & Tips

august chores tips

Back Yard


  • Water your plants more as the weather gets warmer and the sun gets hotter. Pay attention to how much water they need in a day/week.
  • Place mulch around plats that are sensitive to the hot sun. This will help keep the roots of the plants cool.
  • Break or cut of dead pieces of plants. This will help more of the plant to grow.
  • If you have planted a new tree, then be sure to have it supported by a stake. You wouldn’t want high winds to blow it over.
  • Do not prune heat sensitive plants in the summer. This may kill your plant.
  • Try to avoid watering too much, you want to grow beautiful plants, you don’t want to rot the roots


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  • Use golf tees to mark where you have plants like perennials and bulbs that don’t grow or grow slowly in the summer.
  • Plants that are grown in containers can only absorb so much water at a time. So be sure to watch plants that are in sunny areas and water them more, if required.
  • Hanging flower baskets need water daily. The sun and wind absorbs the water much more quickly than other plants.
  • Clean up flower petals and leaves. They can become infected with disease and bugs if they are left.
  • Take out old plants that are dead and have stopped growing. Keep such things gives a home to insects and bugs that are not wanted.
  • Water your garden before the hot sun comes out and dries up the already dry ground.
  • Pick up fruit that has fallen off of the tree of plant. This will prevent bugs and rodents.
  • Pull weeds before they make seeds. The longer you leave the weeds the more weeds you will have to deal with next spring.