Prune is not just a food (Click to Tweet).
Eating prunes helps to digest food and get rid of the “bad” in our bodies; the process of pruning is to get rid of the “bad” off plants. As soon as you notice anything dead, diseased or damaged you’re going to want to get rid of it. When pieces of a plant are broken, insects, pests and, harmful diseases are attracted to said plant.
Anything that blooms in the early spring should be pruned right after they’re done blooming. Try to avoid pruning in the winter. Pruning in the winter can damaged it for the following spring.
For the flowers, trees, and shrubs that grow in the summer you will want to prune them in the winter while they are dormant. These plants you can cut to the core in early spring or late winter as well and it will not harm the bloom in summer.
You will need to prune any type of Hydrangea early summer. If pruned before then you will be destroying the buds before they can bloom.
Here are a few tips for growing hedges
- Refrain from shearing six weeks before frost. Optimal time is in the early growth. Following this will give you the best green foliage your plant can offer.
- For shrubs that are formed into hedges, you will want the top narrower than the bottom. This will keep the top from casting a shadow and hindering growth.
- Growing a privacy hedge? Let them grow and only prune if you need to.
Gardening Tip!
Save time and your back by using a pole pruner where the head rotates.
Excellent tips for the right timing on pruning and how to prune.