Tag: chores

October Chores and Tips


Disease Prevention: To prevent the spread of diseases in your landscape, dispose of infected plants immediately before the disease has a chance to spread. Pick up rotting fruit or dead leaves, which can be a source of the disease. When in doubt, throw them out. Do not compost diseased materials. Don’t forget to disinfect your [Continue]

September’s Chores and Tips


Now is the time to plant peonies. Be sure to bury the crowns one and a half to two inches below the ground level. Planting them too deep can prevent them from blooming. Before the first frost happens, dig up caladiums. Allow them to dry and store in a dry place for the winter. Allow [Continue]

August’s Chores & Tips

august chores tips

  Water your plants more as the weather gets warmer and the sun gets hotter. Pay attention to how much water they need in a day/week. Place mulch around plats that are sensitive to the hot sun. This will help keep the roots of the plants cool. Break or cut of dead pieces of plants. [Continue]

July’s Chores and Tips

july chores tips

Dig up and separate clustered spring-flowering bulbs and tubers. Feed roses after each growth, water regularly and remove dead heads of flowers Feed growing annuals every month, to keep them blooming Feed potted plants twice a month with half – strength liquid fertilizer like 20-20-20 or less often with a controlled-release pelleted fertilizer Check to [Continue]

June’s Chores and Tips

junes chores and tips

Here’s is June’s list of chores and tips for your gardens and landscaping!   Stop fertilizing as often on established roses to encourage plants to slow down for the hot summer. Water deeply as temperatures climb; a garden needs one inch of rain or water each week. The best time to water is early morning. [Continue]

May’s Chores and Tips

may chores tips

Here are our May Chores and Tips suggestions! Did we miss any? Tell us in the comments below!   Watering your roses with soaker hoses or drip irrigation will reduce the spread of black spot disease. Be sure to stay out of the garden when the vegetable plants leaves are wet. Walking through a wet [Continue]

April Chores and Tips

april chores and tips

Here are our April Chores and Tips suggestions! Did we miss any? Tell us in the comments below!   Do you have roses? Fertilize your established roses. Liquid fertilizers can be added at two week intervals but follow the instructions on the container.  Make a plot layout of your flower borders so you will know [Continue]

March Chores and To-Dos!

March Chore Tips

We cannot believe it is already March! Time just flies by! Here’s some chores and things that you’ll want to make sure happen during the month. If you’re still receiving snow, be sure to shovel and brush off the snow from any raised bed covers. Onto warmer thoughts… Prep any new garden beds as the [Continue]

February’s Chores and Tips

february chores and tips

Well the first month of 2016 just flew by! Here are some tips and to dos to take care of your landscapes and gardens for the month of February!   Shop for early spring flowering shrubs and vines, such as Carolina Jessamine, daphne, azalea, camellia, and early rhododendrons. Order perennial plants and bulbs now for [Continue]

January’s To-Do’s and Tips


Happy New Year! I trust you are having a great new year and you’ve started creating your New Year Resolutions. Why don’t you add “making your landscaping a priority” to your resolutions list?   Here are some tips and to dos to take care of your landscapes and gardens. Browse through the many different seed [Continue]